0x44 on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 06:09:36 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Fixing B Nomic

James Baxter wrote:
Right, this has gone too far but I intend to bring it back.
Rule 5E0 states that "The Emergency Coordinator shall designate a means for PEPs to communicate as the Emergency Forum". Not all the PEPs can communicate via the designated means therefore it is not a valid emergency forum so I, as a PEP, designate spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx as the emergency forum.
Rule 0 states that the Procedure runs in order, so even if ais' emergency forum is invalid you can't change it because we're already past the point where any PEP can designate another emergency forum.

My consultations have not been assigned to a priest. I submitted a consultation on the 27 December at 22:19 UTC, it has not been assigned to a priest even after 3 rdays.
rdays are Game Time and so are stopped during the emergency.

The pause (according to the clock on the wiki) is 3. All attempts to artificially increment the pause have failed as Laws cannot affect things outside of them nor can they affect things not on the squares they govern.
The clock on the wiki is not the public display of the Clock, it's a convenience script. The Pause is 5


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