Jamie Dallaire on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 15:23:34 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Proto: A Proper Legal History

I started writing up a proposal that was a bit different, but then had this
idea. Please read the below and tell me if it makes sense/suggest things. I
will finish writing up the final version in <2 hours, because it's currently
either nday 7 or 8, and I don't want my Proposal texts to be in an uncertain
quantum state depending on whether they were revised on nday 8 or after the
voting period already started (i.e. failed).

Pondered Consultations have a Switch called Influence. By default, it is on
(they are Influential). The Answers to (and the reasoning of the last Priest
that dealt with) Influential Pondered Consultations are considered to
reflect the generally agreed upon gamestate and are to guide future
interpretation of the Rules (though they are not infallible, and it is
possible for future Answers to contradict them).

Along with the Answer/Reasoning/Punishment, Priests may also submit a list
of Influential Consultations with which their own answer/reasoning
conflicts. If the current Consultation is pondered, the Consultations on the
list lose Influence. This could be useful when e.g. we realize we were
wrong. The old Consultation didn't ratify gamestate, it just showed what we
thought it was at the time.

The Oracle is capable, without Objection, of adding or removing Influence to
any Pondered Consultation. This could be helpful when some change to
gamestate (especially Rules) makes an old Consultation inapplicable or
irrelevant to the current game.

It's the Oracle's job to maintain a handy-dandy readily accessible record of
Influential Consultations so that Priests can easily see relevant legal
precedent. The Oracle also keeps a record of non-Influential Consultations
in some cobwebby binder somewhere, of course.

The Proposal grants Influence to all existing Pondered Consultations, then
revokes Influence from everything submitted before the end of the last

Sound good?

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