Jay Campbell on Thu, 4 Dec 2008 20:34:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Tweak

This fails, no ndays have passed, two ndays are required for "no 
objections" that don't stipulate another time frame.

Tyler wrote:
> Having recieved no objections, I activate this tweak. The Rules only say
> people start on square (0,0), so now everyone is Unsquared and nobody can
> attack anybody. However, the rules say "An Unsquared Player can set their
> Resident Square as a Game Action, within the boundaries of (-100,100) to
> (100,100)," so if you feel like taking your chances, you can pick a place.
> I, for one, plan not to pick a spot until the clock is on and I can escape
> from others who might pick the same location or one nearby.
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:39 AM, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Aww, come on, BP. He's just fixing some grammar/spelling mistakes. The m15
>> is what he would have gotten in Era 4 for 9 such fixes.
>> We're going to have to change things soon so that people can't attack too
>> many times at once, or something. Otherwise walking near someone with m200
>> could mean instant death if they so choose. For now, I submit (and intend to
>> activate) the following tweak:
>> { Make all Players Unsquared. }
>> --
>>  -Tyler

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