Ed Murphy on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:15:37 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Proto: Beating a dead horse

Proto-Proposal:  Cadavre Redux

Amend Rule 4E89 (Cadavre Exquis) by prepending these sub-headings:

  * "Is there in truth no beauty?" before paragraphs 1-2 (Flavour)
  * "Does this pole still work?" before paragraph 3 (Overbar)
  * "How much for just the planet?" before paragraph 4 (Antitheses)
  * "What do you mean, bad?" before paragraphs 5-6 (Entanglement)

and by replacing this text:

      switch the values of any two Player's Antithesis attributes. Each
      Player whose Anthithesis attribute is altered, becomes Entangled
      with the other.

with this text:

      cause two Players to become Entangled with each other.

/* Flavour, Entanglement, and Platforms still appear to have no
   rule-defined functions.  Are they intended to be referenced
   by contracts? */
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