Jamie Dallaire on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:03:49 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Emergency

> OK, what about this for an argument:
> I may or may not be a player; if the game has been frozen for years due
> to a neverending emergency, then I never became a player. Thus it is
> uncertain whether or not I am a player. This uncertainty goes back to
> the time I registered.
> There are many other players (everyone?) who have registered since B's
> first Emergency. Each of them, likewise, may or may not be a player
> depending on whether the argument above is correct.
> Therefore, there is an uncertainty over who is a player, and has been
> ever since B's first emergency, thus determining which players are PEPs
> must be done /at the time of the first emergency/, which is "before such
> uncertainty or drop in player count". So I'm not a PEP, even if the
> argument above is completely invalid, just because it's uncertain. Are
> you?

Good point! I would argue that if Wooble's argument is valid, then neither
you or I are PEPs, as it is certain that we were not Players when the
initial Emergency began. Is Wooble, the purported Emergency Coordinator, a

If Wooble's argument is invalid, however, then the game has been proceeding
just like everyone thought it was proceeding, and we are both definitely
PEPs for the purposes of the current Emergency.

If the certainty of Wooble's argument cannot be ascertained, I don't think
this changes anything for the purposes of PEPhood. If we consider the
initial Emergency procedure, then we were clearly not Players at the time it
began, and therefore are not PEPs (as above). If we consider the currenty
Emergency procedure, then it is uncertain whether or not we are Players, but
the relevant instant for assessing certainty is that at which the current
Emergency began, making us PEPs (as above).

It all just depends whether Emergencies, in B, have historically been
continuous or cyclic. Given B's nature, I wouldn't be surprised by the

Silly Pilgrim
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