Jamie Dallaire on Sun, 5 Oct 2008 21:54:21 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] black corp what?

I leave for one day and this happens?

The reason I'm writing this message is that I'm a little confused as to what
"this" is right now. On the one hand I want to go digging through black corp
message histories for the weekend and decipher what is going on, take a
stand, vote on some motions. On the other hand, if 0x44 and Ty-Guy6 are on
the same page concerning the current state of Black Corporation, I won't
bother. Are you on the same page????

I won't resolve any motions or anything till this is sorted out in my mind.

Ty-Guy6, there are some consultations (or maybe just 1) awaiting the
assignment of a Priest. E.G. the B/C nomic one.


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