ihope on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 09:48:41 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] C-Nomic anyone?

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Jamie Dallaire
<bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Or we could move on to other ascii characters. e.g. slash nomic.
> wait....

Ah, of course. After Z Nomic, it's [ Nomic, \ Nomic, ] Nomic, ^ Nomic,
_ Nomic, ` Nomic, a Nomic, b Nomic, c Nomic, d Nomic, e Nomic, f
Nomic, g Nomic, h Nomic, i Nomic, j Nomic, k Nomic, l Nomic, m Nomic,
n Nomic, o Nomic, p Nomic, q Nomic, r Nomic, s Nomic, t Nomic, u
Nomic, v Nomic, w Nomic, x Nomic, y Nomic, z Nomic, { Nomic, | Nomic,
} Nomic, ` Nomic, and DEL Nomic. If we still need more, we could go on
to extended ASCII, or we could just start at the other end: NUL Nomic,
SOH Nomic, STX Nomic, ETX Nomic, EOT Nomic, ENQ Nomic, ACK Nomic...

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