Jamie Dallaire on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 22:27:36 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Full Historian catchup

On 2/10/08, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    Since BP's last update, Hose gnawed Antonio and me, and BobTHJ
>    gnawed Codae (but didn't gain HP because he was already at
>    5/5).  After backing these out from my figures, the following
>    differences remain, dunno why:
>      0x44             5/10        6/10
>      Antonio          8/10        6/10
>      Anything McGee   8/10        7/10
>      Billy Pilgrim    6/19        11/19
>      Codae            2/10        2/10   <- match
>      Dominov          10/10       9/10
>      Hose             2/5         2/5    <- match
>      Ivan Hope        2/10        3/10
>      Murphy           8/10        7/10
>      Wooble           7/10        4/10

Also I'm a little confused by some of these hp differences. Could you post
which differences remain at the present moment or whenever you have
everything updated? Will be simpler to work off of. Thanks,

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