Ed Murphy on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 16:38:35 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Game Actions.

0x44 wrote:

> Ed Murphy wrote:
>> You have 32 mackerel on the main page, 163 on the sub.  (163 prior to
>>    the above-quoted actions would mean you couldn't afford the PFSS.)
> I had m237 before I went shopping.

As of January 11, I had your macks at 215, the main page had them at
234, so there's a previous difference of 19 from somewhere.

I've updated the sub-pages to cover minister salaries (I'd missed
those).  Now I have your macks at 213 (pre-shopping), the main page
has them at 32 (post-shopping), so the only differences left are
(a) the aforementioned 19 and (b) processing the shopping etc.

I'll do some more research this evening.
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