Roger Hicks on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 20:59:22 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] ParaNomic XP (proto-initial rules)

On 12/12/07, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rule 105/0 (Blue)
>        The eligible voters on a proposal are the citizens with clearance
>        higher than or equal to its clearance.
> Rule 117/0 (Blue)
>        Clearances are as follows, from lowest to highest:
>          * Infrared
>          * Red
>          * Orange
>          * Yellow
>          * Green
>          * Blue
>          * Indigo
>          * Violet
>          * Ultraviolet
>        A leading citizen is a citizen whose clearance is higher than or
>        equal to that of any other citizen.
>        A High Programmer is a citizen whose clearance is Ultraviolet.
>        Rumors of Gamma clearance are treason.  Report all rumors.
The moment someone hit Orange clearance, couldn't they pass a proposal
(with themselves as the only voter) that gives them Ultraviolet

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