comex on Thu, 9 Aug 2007 13:44:21 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [s-d] Proposal: The Ministry of Goods

On Thursday 09 August 2007, Jamie Dallaire wrote:
> A "currency owning object", or COO, is a type of game object that can
> own currency (also called "money"). All players are currency owning
> objects. }
> A "device owner object", or DOO, is a type of game object that may own
> devices. All players as well as the Ministry of Goods are device owner
> objects.
> }
I recommend putting this in the Ministry of Goods rule.
> retractable and bidding ends at the start of Ballotday. Once bidding
> ends, the highest bidder has 1 nday to pay, giving the Ministry of Goods
> a quantity of mackerel equal to eir highest bid. If ey fails to do so, 
> eir Voting Power is set to 0, ey loses 25 points, and the next highest
> bidder is allowed 1 further nday to pay eir own highest bid.
Ow!  Just make the transfer automatic; the highest bidder might be on 
vacation or the Artisan might be tardy in announcing the bid results .

> unique devices created by the Artisan... What do you think? Any other
> suggestions for revision?]]

You could specify that devices have no effect by default when the MoG holds 

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