bd on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:45:01 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] 116.2 Administrator's Update

Antonio Dolcetta wrote:
> Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
>> - One thing I do know is that Antonio's prop to become Oracle passed,
>>   so I'm passing all that stuff off to him. I started putting up
>>   Consultations 1 and 2 on the wiki, since those were asked and
>>   answered while I was still Oracle.
> I was wondering: it would be cool to add to the wiki representation of 
> each rule that was somehow involved in a Consultation some noted 
> pointing to the consultation.
> Do you think I can do that ?
> I was wandering what's the best way to do that from a formal point of 
> view. Simply adding some /* */ delimited text, which would be the 
> easiest solution might be interpreted as trying to modify the rule 
> itself...
> What do you think ?

I read through the Agora ruleset the other day, and it seems they have a 
system where a Judge ruling on a CFJ can Order that an annotation be 
attached to a rule directing how it is to be interpreted... perhaps we 
could do something similar with the Oracle?

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