shadowfirebird on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 02:47:47 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] proposal: don't give points for proposals anymore

> > First, I've started making more proposals, and I've started trying to
> > make those proposals as appealing to the other players as I can.  That
> > has to be good for the game.
> it was that way before too, or at least it should have been, why else
> would you play nomic ?

I mean that I am trying harder...

> > At voting time I feel a strong urge to vote against any proposal that
> > doesn't add something to the game or fix something that really needs
> > to be fixed.  Surely that has to be good for the game, too.
> You mean you pass specific one-time typo fixing stuff, and down general
> every-time-it's-needed typo fixing stuff, because that's not useful ?
> Where do you draw the line, suppose a player has 99 points and makes a
> really good and fundamentally useful proposal, first player to 100 wins,
> do you pass it or not ?

Speaking personally, yes, I would vote for it.  Because that player
passing 100 points is not the end of the game.  I would vote for any
proposal that I genuinely thought fixed something that needed to be
fixed, or added something to the game.

Don't get me wrong - I understand your concerns.  I just wanted to put
the other side of the argument.

If there was one thing I would change, I would like the option to
declare a prop "pointless" (I mean, 'no points', not 'without
meaning'!) so that people could vote on it without it effecting
points.  This prop would be one such.
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