bd on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:00:27 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] proposal parser

Daniel Lepage wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2007, at 8:49 PM, Antonio Dolcetta wrote:
>> On 22 Jan 2007, at 22:21, Daniel Lepage wrote:
>>> On Jan 22, 2007, at 1:02 PM, Antonio Dolcetta wrote:
>>>> I've written a very basic (read: horrible) proposal parser.
>>>> you start proposals by writing BEGINPROPOSAL and end them with
>>>> ENDPROPOSAL, each proposal must have a title, enclosed between
>>> What if I want to use the word "ENDPROPOSAL" in the course of my
>>> proposal?
>> yes, that would break it,
>> easy solution: don't do it
>> hard solution: think up a way to dynamically figure some delimiters,
>> ideas ?
> "Don't do it" could be bad - what if we want to make it a rule that  
> you MUST delimit your proposals this way? The proposal to add that  
> would need all sorts of ugliness so that it could mention the words  
> without actually using them.
> How about using XML instead of just text?
> propity prop prop
> All sorts of parsers for that exist already, and they all know how to  
> do things like escape dangerous text. Also, with XML the system would  
> generalize immediately to other documents.
> The downside is that XML is kind of a pain to type sometimes, but  
> then again it's no worse than having to type non-XML delimiters  
> whenever we make props.

'>' style quoting will make the parser barf, possibly.

> We should add a rule allowing wiki syntax in props, btw. Right now  
> the important thing in any rule or proposal is the raw text, hence  
> each prop being shown verbatim on the wiki. However, I'd love a  
> clause allowing wiki syntax so that I could include e.g. a table in  
> the body of a rule without trying to get ascii tables to format on  
> the wiki.

Personally, I'd just like a rule saying that some appointed entity or 
entities can alter rules' typographic representations as long as the 
semantics remain intact. In short, Tidiness.

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