shadowfirebird on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:24:24 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] More than I can chew

I've bitten off more than I can chew here, I know it.

I want to propose a shop, and I've found myself writing a rule to
define what buying and selling mean!

Any comments and help would be very much appreciated....

Create a rule "Commerce":
When the rules specify a "commercial transaction", it means that two
"punter" objects each "transfer" a "substance" to the other.

In both cases the substance must be something that the rules say is
allowed to be transferred, passed or given between the punter objects.

If the substance is an object in itself which is solely under the
control of the punter object, then "transfer" means that the control
of the object passes to the other punter object.

If the substance is an attribute or other numeric property which both
punter objects share, then "transfer" means subtracting the agreed
number from the transferring punter object and adding it to the other
punter object.

Should one of the two transfers not be possible under the rules, or
not turn out as agreed, then neither transfer takes place.

If the punter object is a player, ey must agree to the commercial
transaction via a game action.  If the punter object is not a player,
the rules must explicitly describe how it deals with a commercial

Nothing in this rule enables a transfer to take place unless another
rule explicitly allows it.

Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Don't tell me that they're antisocial
Somehow not antisocial enough...
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