Antonio Dolcetta on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:39:16 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Starting locations of Rule Tag Objects

On 12 Jan 2007, at 03:57, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:

> Antonio Dolcetta <antonio.dolcetta@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> i thought the moderator of rule tag was supposed to be Optional, but
>> youre right, it doesn't say so in the proposal.
> Sorry, I just do what the props and rules say to do. :)

What I meant was that I thought that the proposal contained it.  
Probably got mixed up with the frankenstein draft.

>> I also checked the rule rof elections and it appears that you cannot
>> declare an election unless a rule explicitly requires you to, am I
>> correct ?
> Rule 3-3 states that "If the Administrator holds a post, e may choose
> to hold an election." That's the only way elections can happen right
> now as far as I can tell, although the comments in the rules suggest
> that making changes by proposal is reasonable.

uh, I missed that, it's alright then

> So, does anyone want to be Rule Tag Moderator and/or Oracle? I'd be
> happy to hold an election if someone else is interested in the jobs.

I wouldn't mind being the Oracle, but i'll give precedence to the  
rule tag moderator if someone wants to be that, since you can only  
have an election at a time.

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