shadowfirebird on Fri, 1 Dec 2006 02:26:06 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Posts (like Ministers); draft rule, shoot it down now, please.

Okay, revisions made.

Create a new rule titled "Posts"
A Post is a game object that can be assigned to a single player.  Each
post has a unique title. Only one player can be in possession of a
post at any one time.

For the purposes if this rule the term "player" includes the Admin.

The terms "post holder", "pot holster", and "post holder designate"
refer to the player in possession of a given post.  This can be
abbreviated "PHD".

The rule defining a post must detail:

1) The "powers": that is, the game actions which the PHD can perform,
but other players cannot.

2) The "responsibilities": that is, the game actions which the PHD
must perform or face censure.

3) The "censure": the penalty for not carrying out the
responsibilities.  If the responsibilities are not met in a given
week, then the PHD receives no awards in that week.

4) The "restrictions": the game actions that the PHD may not do.

5) The "awards": recompense that the PHD receives.  Unless the rule
defining the post says otherwise, this is 10 points per week,
paid at the start of n-day 1.
[[Any of the above can be "none", of course.]]

Unless otherwise stated, the initial PHD is the Admin.

A PHD may not transfer the post to another player.  However, e may
resign from the post (by notification to the public forum), in
which case possession of  the post reverts to the Admin.

A player may propose that a PHD resign his post.  If the proposal
passes, e must do so.  [[This should be self-evident, but...]]

If no other player holds a post then the admin is the PHD.

If the admin holds a post, e may choose to hold an election.

An election for a post is conducted as follows:

(i) The Admin posts on the public forum a notification of the
election, including a deadline for nominations. A player who wishes to
be a candidate may nominate emself by posting to the public forum.
No-one may nominate any player but emself.
Once the nominations deadline has passed, The Admin posts a list of
the candidates for the election along with a deadline for voting.

(ii) Each player votes by posting a "voting message" to the forum that
lists eir preferred candidates, ranked in order of preference, most
preferred first. Each candidate may appear only once.
A player may post more than one voting message; only the last one is counted.
Should the Admin find that a voting message breaks the rules, he must
inform the player as soon as is possible.

(iii) Once the deadline for voting has passed, the admin tabulates the
votes. Against each candidate in each final voting message e puts a
number, inverse to its position in that voting message: the first
ranked candidate will receive a number equal to the number of
candidates; the second ranked candidate will receive one less; and so
on.  If a voting message ranks all the candidates, then the last
candidate will receive the number 1.
If a voting message does not rank all the candidates, the remaining
candidates receive the number 1.
The numbers for each candidate in all final voting messages are
totalled; the winner is the candidate with the highest number.

(iv) Should more than one candidate tie for winner, the first ranked
candidate in each final voting message is counted.
The winner is the candidate who has the greatest count.

(v) Should more than one candidate STILL tie for a winner, the admin
should, from the methods (iii) and (iv) above, take the list of tied
candidates which has the least number of candidates on it; and then
select a candidate from this tied list in whatever way e wishes.

Only one election can be ongoing at any one time.  [[because it
simplifies this rule a great deal!]]

[[The rule defining a post should delimit the timescale for such
elections, if   that is needed.]]

The Admin is granted all the powers and abilities of every post.

If this rule conflicts with a rule that defines a post, then that rule
takes precedence.

No rule governing the conduct of voting for a PHD shall effect any
other sort of voting.  No rule governing any other sort of voting
shall effect voting for a PHD.

An election is a game object.
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