Peter Cooper Jr. on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:05:02 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [auto] CorianKos votes

comex <comexk@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> CorianKos's votes:
> Not that I really care, but I had unchecked the "forward to
> spoon-business" box.

That box is a legacy from when we allowed voting by privately sending
a message to the minister-in-charge-of-votes or by the web page. The
current rules don't allow it (although feel free to propose it), so
that box shouldn't really be there. I think Wonko quickly fixed it by
just making it not do anything, which may be the behavior you

(Wonko and I have access to it in case we need to use the web page to
set the votes of someone else, say in case they were set by a rule or
by a normal public forum post. For those things, there doesn't need to
be an email sent.)

But in general, the only way to vote is by posting to a public
forum. We just prefer you use the web page since it conveniently posts
the message for you, *and* does all the counting for us poor
overworked ministers :).

Peter C.
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