Daniel Peter Lepage on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 16:16:59 -0500 (CDT)

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RE: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Talismans Updated

>> Wonko sends:
>> > >
>> > > Here's where I don't get it.
>> > > The Hall of Talismans Wiki page contains but a single line.
>> > > How do I remove the wand definitions so they don't appear here?
>> >
>> > Each object definition is stored in <root page>/objs/<nameofobject>.
> Hence
>> > HallOfTalismans/objs/WardOfReplatement has the definition of the Ward
>> of
>> > Replatement; delete the page, or rename it, and it'll disappear from
> that
>> > listing.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Wonko
>> I checked WikiWiki looking for a means of deleting a page, but couldn't
>> glean
>> a specific method for doing so.
>> In general, my attitude toward renaming as a 'hiding' means is to avoid
> the
>> practice. I'd just as soon free up the server space by performing an
> actual
>> deletion.
>> Problem is, I can't figure out how.
>> Help!
>> Triller
> Now that I think about it, it comes down to
> a more central point.
> To date, any changes I've ever made to Wiki pages
> have been alterations of existing pages.
> I don't know how to add or delete pages.
> My supposition is that a step up in the processing
> structure is required.
> Maybe I need to go and buy a book.

Adding new pages is done by navigating to them, either by creating a link
and clicking it or just by editing the URL. You'll then get a "create this
page" prompt. This is pretty standard across all wikis.

Deleting is usually more implementation specific. The B Nomic wiki uses
MoinMoin. In MoinMoin, there will be a link somewhere on the page to let
you delete it, although exactly where depends on what theme you're using.
In the RightSideBar theme (the default), there's a section of the sidebar
labeled "Actions", one of which is DeletePage.

Regardless of the theme, it'll take you to the URL <page
url>?action=DeletePage ; adding that to the end of the URL for any wiki
page will delete the page (or rather, ask you whether you're sure you want
to delete it).

For example:


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