flutesultan on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:15:39 -0500 (CDT)

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RE: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Roster update (Death, take note).

> Hmm, I think my Wiki account is already just "Antonio"
> If you mean the roster page I've just updated that myself
> (I hope I was allowed to do that)
Well, duh.
Of course, as you've not Proposed anything, I haven't
seen your Wiki handle. I get confused about the applicable
platform sometimes. 

> > Your Soul is in The Gallery. After the rules
> > change, I recommend you go and get it.
> Yes, I've just attempted it
> We'll see how it goes
I think it'll go, but why stop at your own?
You're entitled to three, by 7-1, 4th paragraph.

As I'm not yet Death, I haven't posted Soul Values
in the Spirituality Page, but you can see them by
clicking my profile in the Roster. Some are worth
more than others. I'd grab 2 more.

> Ciao



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