flutesultan on Fri, 9 Sep 2005 21:28:09 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Recent weirdness

Well, I don't know if I'm helping or hindering things,
but I'll lay out what I've surmised.

1) I'm no doubt guilty if the Unicode Text of  'seance'
which caused the initial dilemma. I do all my game related
work in Excel for reasons I could go into but won't.
I copy what needs posting and paste in unformatted
text format to a word processer to eliminate the spreadsheet
specific formatting info. I had noted an auto-correct was
taking place (this caused the weird French accent in 'seance'
in Excel) and shut down that function. So that will probably
take care of the initial problem. I need to be more careful
of that.

2) After a brief exchange with Peter, I came up with another
Prop and posted it to the script. I received a horrendous
error message (which I've managed to copy without lockup),
and got no Email bounce. Mind, I got a good Email bounce for 
the first two.
I wrongly assumed that that the prop wasn't added to the DB.
I then proceded to post it again (12 hrs or so later), and then
again, this evening. I received the same error message each

3) I went and checked the Prop Listing, and found that the
Prop was, in fact, posted thrice. I never received an Email
bounce for the third Prop (3x). My assumption is that the error
message I keep receiving occurs somewhere after the post
is successful and whatever entity returns you to the Wiki
and bounces the post to Emails.

4) I went back to the Prop script and amended the two extra
copies of it to comments. Tomorrow at my alternate machine,
(work that is), I'll attempt to edit the first commented out prop
to something useful and that should verify whether the problem
is my home machine or a scripting issue.

5) I don't get Email bounces @ work, so it will be tomorrow 
afternoon before I can complete this test. If I get a bounce
of the amendment here, I'll know the problem is associated
with my PC.

Here's the header of the error message:
error(61, 'Connection refused') Please include this information in your bug
Python Python 2.4.1: /usr/bin/python
Linux phoenix 2.4.30-grsec-2.1.5 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 01:32:40 GMT 2005 sparc64
MoinMoin Release 1.2.3 [Revision 1.186]
Fri Sep 9 13:29:56 2005 
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

And here's the end of the error message:
  305         if self.debuglevel > 0: print>>stderr, "connect:", msg
global socket = <module 'socket' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/socket.pyc'>,
socket.error = <class socket.error>, msg = <socket.error instance> 

error: (61, 'Connection refused') 
      __doc__ = None 
      __getitem__ = <bound method error.__getitem__ of <socket.error
      __init__ = <bound method error.__init__ of <socket.error instance>> 
      __module__ = 'socket' 
      __str__ = <bound method error.__str__ of <socket.error instance>> 
      args = (61, 'Connection refused') 

I hope this is helpful.
I have the rest in a text file if needed.


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