flutesultan on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 18:29:16 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] RE: [s-b] [auto] Peter votes

> Peter's votes:

> Motion 240/0: Consolidating Coinage Creates Canny Cache! : Maybe
> Amplitude isn't a holding really; it's just a number. Perhaps it should
be a holding, though.
To my way of thinking, if it's spendable (or expendable) so as to
cause a change in the gamestate, it's a holding. If my Ref for Secretary
passes, I expect I'll generate seperate reports for each commodity.
But as for the near present, A's hasn't been attended to, and since I
joined, SPs display hasn't changed except by complete deletion. As stated,
once the macros are written (and I'm writing them (almost) now) it's
really not much more work to keep track of and post publicly. I will
of course appreciate your vote of confidence.


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