Daniel Lepage on Sun, 22 May 2005 17:52:27 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Peter votes

On May 22, 2005, at 5.56 PM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Proposal 95/0: Random junk.                             : Against
Proposal 96/0: We Recognize All, Capicse Kiddos?        : Against
And I don't think this does anything more than "The game is governed by the rules" that we already have. And if there's no way to distinguish it from a legal Game Action, then nobody would try to suggest that it was not in fact a legal game action.

I disagree. The default case was created precisely because people *did* suggest that some Actions weren't legal, even though it couldn't be proven illegal. It involved the Cursed Sushi of Babel: actions taken by the holder of the Sushi couldn't take actions in forum messages unless those forum messages were put into AltaVista's Babel Fish engine and translated into Korean and back (hence Rob's analysis of CFJ 218, <http://www.bnomic.org/history.php?rn=218>). The holder then posted a normal message, claiming that e'd found some text that e could put into Babel Fish to produce his normal message. We thought this was almost certainly false, but it was ruled that because we couldn't *prove* it false, we had to assume that it was true; that is, because it was theoretically possible to take a legal game action that looked *exactly* like what the player did, we had to assume that this is indeed what happened.


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     -Dave Barry

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