Peter Cooper Jr. on Wed, 11 May 2005 15:32:19 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [auto] EugeneMeidinger submits p71

automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> EugeneMeidinger has submitted a new proposal, p71.
> ---------------------------------
> Proposal 71/0: story props are working now!
> A Standard Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
> Last modified on nweek 88, nday 3
> [[Spawn]]
> [[Let me know if I'm not making this airtight enough. The idea is
> it's like comment text but it isn't completely ignored.]]

Well, you could probably just only have one kind of text, but allow
things to look at comment text if it's explicitly mentioned.

> Add to the end of rule 1-2 the following:
>> {{In a Game Document, with the exception of this paragraph, text
> between each pair of doubled asterisks (that is, text between "**"
> and "**"), shall be deemed Extra Text and shall have no effect
> beyond the rules recognizing it's existence.}}

Only use "it's" if you could replace it with "it is". Possessive its
has no apostrophe. It's one of the few rules in English that doesn't
have exceptions.

Peter C.
"There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale
returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."
		-- Mark Twain

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