eugman on Tue, 10 May 2005 20:35:01 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] BvS submits p65 I Find problem.

If  comments are ignored by the rules how can players recieves chips for making a story proposal?

> BvS has submitted a new proposal, p65.
> ---------------------------------
> Proposal 65/0: [[The Baron's Story, Chapter One]] Lengthiness Is Because It Does 
> Oodles [[LIBIDO]]
> A Standard Proposal by BvS
> Last modified on nweek 88, nday 3
> [[
> Two nweeks ago:
> With a throbbing hum and the roar of the landing fans, the luxury speeder 
> touched down gently. As the engines whined slowly towards a full stop, a ramp on 
> the underside of the vehicle eased open. A dark figure in a cape marched down 
> the ramp with a buisnesslike stride that bespoke dignified urgency. Several feet 
> from the base of the ramp, the figure stopped, and put its arms behind its back. 
> As its shoulders flexed, a quiet crunching noise and a relieved sigh floated 
> gently into the night. A second figure now exited the speeder and joined the 
> first.
> "You seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, sir."
> "It's been a while since I saw this place. That and I couldn't breathe the 
> canned air in there a second longer. I swear, I was going to suffocate. What've 
> you got there?"
> "Intel sent this report just now on the state of things in the city these days."
> "With their usual haste, I see. We're /in/ the city."
> "Intel isn't what it used to be, sir."
> "Nothing is, Campion. Nothing is." The caped figure looked around. "Why is it so 
> dark out here?"
> "The floodlights haven't had maintenance done in almost a year, sir, and it's 
> probably a good bet that the generator has been picked over for parts by now."
> "Figures."
> "Would you like to read over this report, sir?"
> "I'll look it over later. For now, just give me a quick rundown."
> "Yes, sir. It seems that there was something of a catastrophe a little while 
> back. Most of the city entered a state of existence flux and ended up choosing 
> nonexistence, and the rebuilding just started from the remants in the city core 
> and the outskirts, like here."
> "Well, I suppose it'll be easier to get around now. How about my holdings, 
> anything left?"
> "It looks like there is almost no trace of vSOI or vSET in the city any more. 
> Everything is changed pretty significantly."
> "Figures. You spend a few nyears out in the Empire territories and nothing is 
> left alone. Well, I'm back now for good. Order the transport of our resources at 
> Exile Base returned to the city."
> "Yes, sir. Anything else for now?"
> "No. Wait, yes. Make sure everyone remembers that things are a little different 
> here - some of the honorifics we used at Exile need to be dropped. Don't want 
> the other Players thinking I'm putting on airs."
> "Which ones, sir?"
> "Let's just go with all of them. Some of those were a little silly."
> "Yes, sir."
> "Let's get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day, after all. We have to let everyone 
> know that the Baron is back!"
> "...I thought you weren't using honorifics, sir?"
> "Dammit, Campion, I was being dramatic..."
> "Shutting up, Baron."
> Present nday:
> The new headquarters was small, but it would do for the moment. It had a few 
> perks, such as a nice view, a large open field for landing speeders in, and a 
> secret underground complex. It was a vSOI listening post outside of the city, 
> equipped with its own bunker. It was also being renovated to include a handful 
> of other surprises and features as equipment was shipped in from the Empire 
> territories. 
> The Baron watched out the window as a light scout speeder landed on the field 
> amidst a few other small vehicles. The pilot climbed out and handed a small 
> object to an officer standing by the landing pad, who turned and entered the 
> base at a brisk walk. A minute later, the same officer entered the topside 
> command center and, seeing the Baron waiting for him, walked over and handed the 
> memory stick over. The Baron nodded a dismissal and turned to the console beside 
> him to see what the pilot's report was.]]
> Create a new section of the Ruleset named "The Grid" with the following rule in 
> it:
> {{
> == The Grid ==
> There exists the Grid. The Grid is a square composed of Units. The Grid is 25 
> units wide by 25 units tall. The units are unumbered from 1 to 25 horizontally 
> (the x axis) and 1 to 25 vertically (the y axis). Each Unit can be expressed as 
> an (x,y) coordinate location. The unit (1,1) shall be below the unit (1,2) and 
> to the left of unit (2,1). [[So unit (1,1) is in the lower left of the Grid.]]
> Any object which is allowed to occupy a location on the Grid is a Grid Object. 
> Multiple Grid Objects may occupy the same Grid location except where explicitly 
> forbidden by the rules. All objects on the Grid occupy exactly one location each 
> except where a rule says otherwise. Players may not occupy any location on the 
> Grid, but may control the actions of Grid Objects when a rule permits it.
> }}
> [[
> The Baron stood, absorbing this information. Then he began typing and clicking 
> away at his console furiously. A few minutes later, he removed the memory stick 
> from its slot and gave it to the officer on duty. "Take this down to R+D and 
> tell them that I want a rough on my desk by tomorrow morning." As the officer 
> left, the Baron looked back at the screen, re-reading what he had written:
> ]]
> Add a new rule to the "The Grid" section of the ruleset:
> {{
> == Forts ==
> === Energy Allocation ===
> There exist Grid Objects called Forts, each of which is owned by a player. No 
> player may own more than one Fort. Forts may not occupy the same Grid Location 
> as other Forts. Each Fort consists of a number of sections, initially 100. 
> Before the end of each nweek, each Player who owns a Fort on the Grid may divide 
> up to X energy, where X is the number of sections their Fort has, between their 
> Offense, Defense, or Special. Those allocations must be further specified as 
> follows:
> ==== Offense ====
> Forts have an attribute called Range. Each Fort's Range starts at 5. An 
> otherwise legal target is in Range of a Fort if the square of its distance from 
> that Fort in the horizontal direction plus the square of its distance from that 
> Fort in the vertical direction is equal to or less than the square of that 
> Fort's range. Otherwise legal targets must be in range of a Fort in order to be 
> legal targets.
> Offense energy must have a legal target specified. Forts may target multiple 
> legal targets with Offense energy each nweek. Offense energy will be divided 
> equally among all legal targets specified, with any remainder randomly allocated 
> among those targets, unless otherwise specified by the player when they allocate 
> energy.
> Legal targets include:
>  * Other Forts
> ==== Defense ====
> Defense energy is assumed to be allocated to the Fort it originates in.
> ==== Special ====
> Special energy must be allocated as stated in the rules defining each Add-On to 
> be activated.
> === Nweekly Resolution ===
> Allocations of energy should be sent privately to the Minister of Forts before 
> the end of each nweek. Allocations sent publicly will not be recognized. At the 
> beginning of each nweek, each Fort loses Y sections, where Y is the total 
> Offense energy allocated to that fort by other forts in the previous nweek minus 
> the total Defense energy allocated to that Fort in the previous nweek. If Y is 
> less than or equal to zero, the number of sections the Fort has remains 
> constant.
> === Add-Ons ===
> There exist Grid Objects called Add-Ons. Unless otherwise specified, each Add-On 
> occupies the same location as the Fort it is attached to. An Add-On is attached 
> to the Fort owned by the Player who bought it when it is purchased. Each Add-On 
> must have a purchasing cost and an effect on the Grid. Add-Ons may also have 
> activation costs, to be paid each time they are used.
> }}
> Create the following type of Add-On:
> {{
> __Fort Sections__
> Cost: 1 Genechip
> Effect at purchase: Adds 3 to the number of sections in the buyer's Fort. After 
> this effect is recorded, this Add-On does not need to be tracked.
> }}
> [[The next morning, there was indeed a rough plan for a Fort on the Baron's 
> desk, with a note attatched: "Looks good, boss, but how's anyone going to pay 
> for it? Also, Intel says they're not sure they'll have the resources to keep 
> tabs on ten other Forts."]]
> Add the following text to rule 3-11:
> {{
> Each player recieves a number of Genechips equal to one tenth the number of 
> sections in their Fort, rounded to the nearest integer.
> }}
> Add a section to rule 4-4:
> {{
> === The Ministry of Forts ===
> The Ministry of Forts is a Ministry; its Minister may be called the Em-Ay. The 
> Em-Ay is responsible for maintaining a Public Display tracking the state of each 
> Fort - its location and other attributes, the number of sections it has, and its 
> Add-Ons. At the start of each nweek, the Em-Ay is responsible for resolving the 
> results of each Fort's allocation of energy. If the Em-Ay owns a Fort, it is 
> expected that e will not read any other player's Allocation before the start of 
> the nweek after those allocations are recieved.
> }}
> [[Yes, that would do nicely. It was, of course, the Baron's hope that an all-out 
> war would not be started on the Grid. The previous Grid had been too chaotic, 
> too hard to track. This time, Forts would allow players to hold their own 
> sections of the Grid, lending some control to the system. People could fight if 
> they really wished, but perhaps they would be satisfied to stay peaceful... most 
> of the time. There was only one thing left to do.]]
> Give each Player who voted on this proposal a Fort. Players have one nweek to 
> place their Fort on the Grid. At the end of that time, the Em-Ay is empowered to 
> choose a location for any unplaced Forts.
> ---------------------------------
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