Alex Truelsen on Sun, 8 May 2005 21:44:57 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Nweek 87 Proposal Resolution

Yeah, well, at least you're not telling me it wouldn't have worked... when 
was that Tweak submitted, because I don't remember seeing it?


On 5/8/05, Raelus <raelusaetherira@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Alex Truelsen wrote:
> >On 5/8/05, Peter Cooper Jr. <pete+bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Proposal 28/2 GNU's Not Unix (BvS):
> >>That text doesn't exist in that rule (nor in rule 3-6 anymore, for
> >>that matter), so the main part of the proposal doesn't do anything.
> >>Only one Genechip will be given out for this proposal's passing, so I
> >>don't know if half of it can be awarded to The Voice. Thoughts?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >Oh, just that there's more than one Genechip to be paid - the title of 
> the
> >proposal is a recursive acronym. With "GNU" expanding to "GNU's Not 
> Unix,"
> >there is a series of acronyms that title expands into, including "GNU,"
> >"GNUNU," "GNUNUNU," and so on. Therefore, since 3-6 stated at the time of
> >this proposal's passing that a proposal could be worth multiple 
> Genechips, I
> >would say this one is worth an infinite number of Genechips. The Voice 
> gets
> >half of that infinity. The point of the proposal was of course to fix the
> >hole after profiting from it. So, looks like the hole is fixed and
> >everyone's happy, especially me and Voice.
> >
> >[[BvS]]
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> >
> >
> >
> " The Title forms an acronym that is a Nomic Word or sequence of Nomic
> Words"
> This was the current text of the rule as of Prop Resolution.
> GNUGNUGNU... is a non convergent sequence of Nomic Words, ergo it is
> only worth one genechip.
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