eugman on Thu, 28 Apr 2005 14:02:25 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Cityscape: The subgame that probably won't make it past being a proposal.

Thanks for the tips and grammar nazing. That helped alot of the stuff I didn't know what to do about because specfic buildings seemd to need somthing a level below a rule.

Also I think I'm going to get rid of stuff referring to amplitude and I have an idea to fix the no currency/amplitude is and attribute problem

== Money is fun-ny ==

Wonks  are Game Objects. Players may possess
Wonks or exchange them with other Players. Initially, all Players hold 0
Wonks. Wonks are a type of game currency. Whenever a player votes on a proposal e recieves  1 wonk. When a player's proposal passes e recieves 2 wonks. 

Something so we can actually use currency instead of trying to trade attributes and such.   

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