Rainbow Wolfe on Wed, 13 Apr 2005 07:44:20 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: Create New World

> I'm not quite parsing this... what's NewWorld?

NewWorld is the definition for the process of creating a game, or the
variable title of the game.

> >  The following restrictions must be met, or otherwise accounted for.
> > * There must be no amendment to, or creation of, any rule outside the
> > NewWorld subsection.
> In the World itself? Can it make a World that makes a Rule that amends
> the main rules?

No. The idea is to keep games self contained in their own sections,
instead of spread out through the rules (The Grid) with constant
amendments to other rules. Any amendments to rules within a game would
be done within the games (NewWorld) section. For example: adding a
specific list of things that a minister is to update. Instead of
constantly updating the minister rule you would add something to that
effect inside the games rule. (Lame example - but the point is it can
all be repealed in one go, instead of having to constantly check which
other rules need changing or updating because a game was removed. It's
a suggested way up maintaining the rules over a longer period making
clearing up a little easier).

> > * All rules in NewWorld must be self-contained, making no direct
> > impact upon the Universe [[BNomic]] or another World.
> That's a tough thing to judge... If it has nothing to do with B Nomic,
> then it could just as easily be a random Internet activity that really
> does have nothing to do with B Nomic.

That's why it's been left fuzzy - obviously some games are designed to
impact on the rules system this way. If it's addressed in some way it
makes no difference until someone calls it into question. The idea was
that we could create games that BNomic impacts upon (because they are
the founding rules) but which effectively runs outside Nomic. We might
recrout more people to Nomic interested in a game they can play,
without having to concentrate on sometimes impenitrable rules. Break
them in as it were.

> > The Minister under whose duristiction the NewWorld falls has the power
> > to veto a proposal, provided they give good reason for doing so.
> > [[This may be however be CFI'd.]]
> This isn't well defined... A minister only has the power to update
> Public Displays.

This is if someone decides a game isn't comlicated enough and adds 3
other games (inside the one you are already tracking), add a variable
such as weather that needs updating every two days, and expects you to
roll every three days to make the yeti move. It's a way a limiting
damage control by drawing attention to the amount of work to be done,
and giving others the opportunity to do it instead. If someone does
create this amount of work, they might think twice if they have to
keep on top of all the tracking.

> They can already make a subgame of more than 5 rules, since a proposal
> can contain any number of changes to the game state.

True, I was still thinking of the previous creating/amending thing.
Now it's just proposals.

> I don't really see what this does that the standard proposal system
> doesn't let players do... Maybe you could make your intent a little
> more clear, 'cause I'm just not getting this right now.

It was a way longer and more compicated way of trying to make sure
players try to keep the rules tidy (by creating games in one place,
and trying to keep amendments that account for only the game within
the games structure). I agree a lot of it is re-gearing the rules
towards a purpose, but then what are the rules for? :P That's why the
prop hasn't been finished, it was getting too long.

Maybe I should just prop the sentence I just wrote in the brackets
above? It's definately the eccense of what I was aiming at.

- RW
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