Daniel Lepage on Wed, 6 Apr 2005 21:31:25 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: Emergency?

On Apr 6, 2005, at 5.18 PM, Martin R Crowther wrote:

I'm not sure we are in a state of emergency any more as the situation is in hand, although I do agree that we should take view of the situation and take advantage of it. We (well Wonko) had already started to tidy up some clutter, and we can rebuild from the rules we currently have (as opposed to starting completely from scratch). I do think something needs to be done though.

What do people want out of this game? To create? (yes) To argue the rules? (not really, but it interests me and Peter seems to be for that, and Wonko seems to have the most experience with them) To play the subgames? (yes, some - although this is where the chaos takes place so...) To watch what happens? (oh yeah, especially if I started the chaos in the first place. although I do like to join in and make it worse :) ) ... anything else?

It does seem like most of the play is taking place in subgames. Does anyone feel we should start from scratch and rebuild the rules... the good ones will just get re-propped anyway, and any others will be ignored or built better. Maybe we should limit the number of subgames as this seems to divide our focus to much.

Some thoughts to think. Please, anyone?! Any other suggestions or ideas? You don't even have to agree with them - just shout them out.

I wouldn't mind rebooting the ruleset. There are some bits of it that are bad for historical reasons, and many bits that we keep around because nobody hates them enough to repeal them (but nobody likes them enough to repropose them if they were repealed).

If we want to completely reboot the ruleset, we might start from one of the ones presented at <http://www.bnomic.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/NewNomicRules>

These are rulesets designed during the last major game crash. There are four:

1) Teucer's CNomicRuleSet - a potential ruleset made by selecting the most important rules of B Nomic (with some modifications). 53 rules.

2) Zarpint the Incomplete's AnotherCNomicSet - another ruleset in the same style as #1, but arranged by a different player. 52 rules.

3) Glotmorf's MetasystemRules - A very minimalist "modular, weenie-resistant" ruleset designed to work with much automation. 9 rules.

4) Wonko's WonkoRules - Another adaptation of B Nomic's ruleset, with all the unnecessary parts removed and with an emphasis on readability and extendability. 19 rules.

You can probably guess which of these gets my vote, though they'll all need some tweaking to take into account recent innovations.


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