Peter Cooper Jr. on Mon, 4 Apr 2005 15:12:37 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: State of Extreme Emergency

dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> I can also get things re-set up here, if you like.

I guess we'll let you and Joel fight it out or something. :)

> My machine is pretty much a paperweight at this point, it looks
> like. There was a massive power outage here Saturday morning (of the
> "take out half the town" variety), and my best guess is that the UPS
> decided to do some weird power surge thing with its dying
> breath. There were two casualties here -- my machine, and the
> machine on which we store most of the backups. UPSes and RAID and
> backups can only do so much good... I suppose this is what I get for
> not including my personal stuff in the tape backups.

Ouch. I thought stopping that stuff is why UPSes exist. My condolences
on your losses.

> The hard drives appear to spin up, so there's a chance they still
> have all my precious data somewhere. Retrieving it could be tricky,
> as I don't have any other Sun Ultra boxes around to play with, so I
> don't presently have anything else into which I can put said hard
> drives to test them out. (Anyone have an old Sun Ultra workstation
> they're not using? :-)

And nothing else can read the Sun disk format? (I'm not really
familiar with Sun at all, so I have no idea...)

> I humbly apologize for first almost-killing B Nomic a couple years
> back through administrative malfeasance, and now almost-killing it
> again.

Well, we appreciate what you've done so far. Sometimes, disasters just
happen. And I doubt that anyone could provide multiple redundant
servers and locations or anything like that for a random free Internet
game :).  And besides, the rules say what to do if the hosting
dies... And that's what we're doing. The game will continue if people
are interested in it, and it won't if there aren't. The hosting going
down doesn't really change that.

Peter C.
"... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror,
and you would not have been informed."

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