Daniel Lepage on Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:35:38 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [auto] Wonko submits p2034

On Mar 12, 2005, at 10.57 AM, cybersanctuary@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

But that's because Dave primarily used Writs of Delay,
indicating he'd just be a day or two in getting clock-stopping
tasks completed.  Never really liked writs of delay...I felt
Dave should just take as long as he needed to, and if it was
gonna be more than a day or two the Watch would add

But if all it does is add perspective, perhaps it would be
easier if the wiki showed the timestamp for when the Clock was
stopped...?  After all, the Watch must necessarily be
realtime, unless one wants to be able to turn it off as well.

Technically speaking the Watch can be turned off, when r0 is invoked.

Maybe the watch could be used for really cool (and quite long) delays? Although most people will have forgotten the effect by the time the watch hits it.

When the watch hits wweek X, wweek Y then the player who remembers this rule
and posts to the forum gets 100 points?

At the moment we almost never get past wweek 0, wday 2. (the watch resets every time the Clock turns Off).

And Glotmorf, I kinda like the Writs of Delay. I suppose it shows that someone is on the case and actually cares what they are doing. And I do agree that having as long as is neccessary - especially with Dave running the whole
Admin thing.

But Dave isn't running the whole Admin thing. Back when we had a single Administrator who was responsible for everything, the Writs made sense, but now we have a large number of fairly disjoint Ministries, and it doesn't really make sense that some of them can issue Writs and others can't. The important ones have a built-in Writ of Delay system already, in that the Clock stops at the 2nd and 3rd Checkpoints until the GM and the Chairman have completed their duties.


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