Daniel Lepage on Wed, 2 Mar 2005 22:17:19 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Glotmorf votes

Glotmorf's votes:

Proposal 2018/1: Witchcraft                               : Shelve
The proposal doesn't say anything about integer values. Do we really want to start working with probabilities of 1.05/6? (Yes, we can do this by shifting to the left of the decimal and rolling a 600-sided die, but that's just for level 2; at level 3 it's 1.1025, and I'd feel silly rolling a 60000-sider.)

Where are you getting 1.05/6? You can only have technologies at integer levels, so N is always an integer; then ((N-1)%5) + 1 is always an integer too. We should never need a d-sixty-thousand.

Proposal 2020/0: Waterspout Clarification                 : Shelve
I like the idea, but it seems really weird that a Waterspout might die for lack of water. Please exclude the Waterspout from the potential die-off.

Waterspouts require no water, and so even if they fail to water themselves they still don't die. In fact, there's actually no way to destroy a Waterspout right now except through Bunnies.


If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a non-working cat.
   -- Douglas Adams

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