Glotmorf on Wed, 2 Mar 2005 20:40:13 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] "More Duties" prop

"C.4. The Hapless Friend Duty
The Hapless Friend Duty Requires Attention whenever a Player becomes 
Blacked Out. Only Players with BACs less than 4 may fulfill the Hapless 
Friend Duty. A Player fulfilling the Hapless Friend Duty may not take any 
other Actions of any sort for the remainder of the Checking Period in which 
they fulfilled the Hapless Friend Duty. A Player fulfilling the Hapless Friend 
Duty must Take Home any Blacked Out Player. Taking Home a Player entails 
returning em to a state of Sobriety. The reward for the Hapless Friend Duty is 
up to 75~ of the Player so returned's Tildex, up to 3 of eir Drinks, and up to 
30 of eir points. "

I have to wonder about the "up to" in that last sentence.  What would 
determine exactly how much gets delivered to the Hapless Friend?  Why 
would it be less than those stated maximums?

-- Glotmorf

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