Daniel Lepage on Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:56:38 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Arena Shootings, part 2

Damn cutoffs. Here's what that comment said:

#C Ok, this is complicated, since the Dice Roller wants all my rolls to have the same number of sides: #C First roll is to see what Peter hits. 1 is (1,1,3), 2 is (2,2,3), 3 is (3,1,3), 4 is (2,1,2), 5 is (2,1,4), 6 is 1, 7 is 2, etc.
#C Second roll is whether I destroy Peter. 6 or higher fails.
#C Third roll is what my second shot hits. 1 is (1,1,4), 2 is (2,1,3), 3 is (1,2,3), 4 is (1,1,2), 5,6,7,8 are themselves mod 4, and 9 or 10 means I reroll this one. #C Fourth roll is another destroy peter roll; 6 or higher fails. Also fails if Peter's already dead.
#C Finally, Iain's shot hits something; same choices as the first roll.
#T Arena Shootings, part 2

Results forthcoming.


On Feb 11, 2005, at 1.55 AM, Dice server wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dice rolls requested by: Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Rolls sent to:

# Ok, this is complicated, since the Dice Roller wants all my rolls to
# First roll is to see what Peter hits. 1 is (1,1,3), 2 is (2,2,3), 3
# Second roll is whether I destroy Peter. 6 or higher fails.
# Third roll is what my second shot hits. 1 is (1,1,4), 2 is (2,1,3),
# Fourth roll is another destroy peter roll; 6 or higher fails. Also
# Finally, Iain's shot hits something; same choices as the first roll.

No. of sides on every die:     10
No. of dice for every roll:     1
No. of dice rolls requested:    5
No. of rolls per line:          3

  9 7 3
  8 10

Information on the dice server:
   Replies to dicemaster@xxxxxxxxx vanish into a seldom-read mailbox.

   For instructions on using the dice server, send a message with
subject "help" to dice@xxxxxxxxx, or see http://www.nomic.net/~dice/.

   The dice server is provided by:


Original message follows:
Return-Path: <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Original-To: dice@xxxxxxxxx
Delivered-To: dice@xxxxxxxxx
Received: from postoffice6.mail.cornell.edu (postoffice6.mail.cornell.edu [])
	by charybdis.ellipsis.cx (Postfix) with ESMTP id 32E07F121
	for <dice@xxxxxxxxx>; Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:55:29 -0600 (CST)
Received: from [] (r253237190.resnet.cornell.edu []) by postoffice6.mail.cornell.edu (8.12.10/8.12.6) with ESMTP id j1B6tVpU005580
	for <dice@xxxxxxxxx>; Fri, 11 Feb 2005 01:55:31 -0500 (EST)
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
To: dice@xxxxxxxxx
From: Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fwd: Arena Shootings
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 01:55:26 -0500
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.619.2)

#P spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
#S 10
#D 1
#R 5
#L 3
#C Ok, this is complicated, since the Dice Roller wants all my rolls to
have the same number of sides:
#C First roll is to see what Peter hits. 1 is (1,1,3), 2 is (2,2,3), 3
is (3,1,3), 4 is (2,1,2), 5 is (2,1,4), 6 is 1, 7 is 2, etc.
#C Second roll is whether I destroy Peter. 6 or higher fails.
#C Third roll is what my second shot hits. 1 is (1,1,4), 2 is (2,1,3),
3 is (1,2,3), 4 is (1,1,2), 5,6,7,8 are themselves mod 4, and 9 or 10
means I reroll this one.
#C Fourth roll is another destroy peter roll; 6 or higher fails. Also
fails if Peter's already dead.
#C Finally, Iain's shot hits something; same choices as the first roll.
#T Arena Shootings, part 2

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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