Daniel Lepage on Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:02:32 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Roster update for nweek 72

Fortunately, I did sit down with the formula after getting all that tildex last nweek :)

As of this nweek, the tildex cap is W+2(W-P) is 100000 + 2(100000 - 9950) = 280100~ - the maximum has nearly tripled.

100000~ existed at the beginning of this nweek, and up to 280100~ can exist, so 180100~ can be created. Plus I think the Basin automatically destroys tildex given to it, such as watering costs, etc.

BTW, everybody remember to pay your taxes (Zarpint's society is now affected by taxation laws :P ).


On Oct 30, 2004, at 6.18 PM, Phil Ulrich wrote:

I got it, but I have no idea if there are actually any ~ for him to receive. I haven't sat down with the formula to figure that out.

"Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarreled with him?" - Blaise Pascal

On Oct 30, 2004, at 6:09 PM, Jeremy Cook wrote:

Araltaln gets 10~ and 1 TW for Judging a CFI. (Did Phil get this?)

Iain gets 10 points for props
Phil 12
Aral 27
Z 35
bd 13
pers -4

Z: 40 points 2 TW
W: 60 points 3 TW
Phil: 20 points 1 TW
bd 20 points 1 TW

Araltaln gets 11 points for investments.

Rodney does some weird stuff and loses 1 point.

Araltaln and Wonko move to the Middle Ground.
TPR enters the Upper House.

Araltaln hides under a rock until Nov 2.

The Roster is up-to-date.
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