bd on Fri, 28 May 2004 07:18:01 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: Straw Poll: [spoon-discuss] tags

On Thursday 27 May 2004 11:55 pm, Daniel Lepage wrote:
> Speaking of Straw Polls, we had one earlier that was never resolved. As
> of when I went On Leave there were five people in favor of removing the
> "[spoon-discuss]" and "[spoon-business]" tags that are automatically
> added to every list message, two opposed, one vote of Hippopotamus, and
> eight players unaccounted for.
> Alternatives suggested include:
> Replacing them with small tags like "[s-d]" and "[s-b]".
> Adding an additional header such as "BNomic List Identity:
> spoon-business".
> I believe mailman can do the first quite easily; I don't know how
> tricky the second is to do (it shouldn't be bad, it's just one line at
> the beginning of every message).
> We'll redo the straw poll now, then. Let me know which of these you'd
> prefer (multiple votes or orderings by preference are fine, as this is
> just to gauge public opinion):
> 	1) Keep the long tags
> 	2) Use the short tags
> 	3) Put in new headers
> 	4) Don't add anything
> 	5) Other: ___________
> My votes, in order of preference, are 3,2,4,1.

4,3,2,1 [[ There are already enough headers to sort or color or whatever, no 
need for new ones ]]

panic ("No CPUs found.  System halted.\n");
        2.4.3 linux/arch/parisc/kernel/setup.c
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