Bill Adlam on 10 Dec 2003 18:19:07 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] extreme or other cleverness, and charters

Glotmorf wrote:

> Which should earn SkArcher a Kick in the Ass, not an 
> Extreme Cleverness prize.

I think an almost-inevitable lynching is much more fun.

And the Pusher Robot wrote: 

> ...the society 
> requires you to transfer your points, which is not the same as you 
> actually transfering them. Societies can define Auto Actions for 
> themselves (which are dangerously close to automation scripts, but I 
> digress), but not for players. They may define restrictions on
> players and 
> may require players to perform actions; doing so does not, however,
> cause 
> the action to be performed.

Yes.  You could however have a charter saying "whenever X happens, the
society forces Y to do Z".  This still leaves open the question of the
timing of forced actions.


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