Daniel Lepage on 9 Dec 2003 20:44:52 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Should Wonko be Infinitely Stylish?

On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 03:41 PM, Mark Karasek wrote:

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003 14:54:09 -0500, Rob Speer <rspeer@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I just looked at the Speed Limit rule. I'm not certain that Wonko should
be infinitely stylish, though the statute of limitations has probably

"The player then recieves N Style points, _up to a maximum of 30_, where
N is 1/10 of the number of points taken away by the previous step,
rounded up."

Or was the maximum added after Wonko became Infinitely Stylish?

According to the rule history (useful, that), the 30-point limit has always been part of the rule. However, it's a 30-point limit _each time_ a player breaks the Speed Limit--Wonko broke it a(n) (infinite|very large) number of times, thus getting a(n) (infinite|very large) number of Style points. The exact number is irrelevant, since his Style score was subsequently reduced to 9999 in True Final Fantasy Fashion.

It was an infinite number of times

Also, I seem to have lost some messages... I sent out a CFI and a protoproposal, but received neither of them back, nor did I get the message that the message I'm replying to is a reply to. Has anyone besides me and TPR spoken since 2:42?


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