Baron von Skippy on 3 Dec 2003 21:29:39 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Rock, Paper, Pirates

>> Body: You may play this card on any Waiting card. When this occurs, a
>> judge
>> is randomly selected. Both you and the player of the Waiting card
>> send a
>> message to the judge containing any one of the following terms:
>> "Rock",
>> "Paper", or "Scissors". These terms are known as Throws. If both
>> players
>> choose the same Throw, the judge chooses one of them at random, and
>> that
>> player gains the attribute "Hand Job Master". If the chosen throws
>> are
>> different, a player who selected Rock is given said attribute if and
>> only if
>> eir opponent selected Scissors. Otherwise, their opponent gains the
>> aforementioned attribute. If neither player chooses Rock but the
>> Throws
>> chosen differ, the player who chose Scissors gains the attribute
>> "Hand Job
>> Master".
>The judge is randomly selected from what set?
-Players, I'd think.-

>When do the players send their throws?
-As soon as possible.-

>Is it possible to change one's throw?
-Doesn't look like it.-

>What if the judge's e-mail address is hidden/bouncing?
-We should be able to figure it out based on where their Nomic messages are coming from. If it's bouncing, well, that's always a risk anyway, isn't it?-

>How do we find out who won?
-We pay attention and see who got the attribute.-

>When does the winner gain eir coveted attribute?
-Whenever Dave feels like recognizing it.-

>For timing reasons I think it's a bad idea for any rule to force a
>player to post a message.  In fact, I'm contemplating a proposal to
>that effect. 
-Um, so then how would you /rather/ we vote and propose rules and play Go? It's fine to force message sendings as long as the rule features a backup plan if a player doesn't post (usually they lose out on something).-
>I also don't like the name of the attribute (although I appreciate the
>efficiency of achieving two onanistic references in only three words). 
-I have no idea what it has to do with pirates, but I like it. Makes telling people about this game /so/ much more interesting.-
>Meanwhile, in Rule 625 A.1, "expicitly" should no doubt read
-Now now, where's the fun in legibility?-

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