Anything McGee on 21 Sep 2003 23:02:51 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] When was the last time wehad a CFI?

>Whose did you take, then? And where does it say that you can take them? 
>Wouldn't that count as a Gamestate change as well?

I would interpret the rule as implying that the existing T-shirts are out in the open, available for the taking, as was the case at a conference I attended this weekend.  If they are privately owned, which the rule doesn't state, then I apologize for taking someone's shirt and will gladly return it.  I don't believe that's the case.

Nowhere does it say that one can take them, but nowhere does it say that I can't.  I would not interpret taking a shirt as a change to the gamestate, unless it in fact was privately owned -- the only way it might be a change to the gamestate is if it's added to one's notes in the Roster.  And even then, things included on the Roster don't necessarily require changes to the gamestate -- for example, I have the title "Veteran of B Nomic," for which I had to do nothing except not forfeit.

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