Mark Karasek on 15 Aug 2003 07:31:46 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] The ruleset

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 23:58:50 -0500 (CDT), David E. Smith <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[[Hmm... Dave didn't veto anything, and I was never adequately convinced
that the ruleset was not in fact repealed, so just to be safe I'm going to
attempt this again.]]
I await many players' Kicks in your Ass.

The ruleset is still here. Yes, all laws of all nations were repealed, and
yes, apparently B Nomic is declaring itself to be a nation (a dubious
claim at best, as we have yet to send an ambassador to the United
Nations). So what? B Nomic never had any laws to begin with, so far as I
recall. The *rules*, on the other hand, are still alive and kicking.

At the risk of channeling Glotmorf: I have said.
Like I said, I did it just to be safe, not because I'm eager to destroy the 
game. If the ruleset is still intact, then my actions have no effect and 
this whole thing is over. If not (which I would argue to be the case, 
although the general consensus seems to be otherwise), I wanted to make 
sure no one hijacked my scam. Certainly that isn't deserving of Kickings of 
Ass, right?
And who says you have to be a member of the UN to be a nation, anyway?

--The Pusher Robot
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