Glotmorf on 31 Jul 2003 02:28:08 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Speaking of mayhem...

On 7/30/03 at 9:20 PM Baron von Skippy wrote:

>>Players are defined. From r13 (aptly named "Definitions"):
>>"A player is any entity who is capable of passing the Turing test,
>>consents to said designation as a player, has become a player in the
>>manner described in the rules, and who consents to be governed by the
>>rules. "
>>Which, I think, is the thing bd was talking about that you fail to
>>repeal in your new player definition prop.
>-I'm not sure how I missed that one. On the other hand, it and Rule 26
>have an interesting interaction.
>I make a CFI:
>Statement: It is not possible for new players to join B Nomic.
>Rule 13 states that: "A player is any entity who is capable of passing the
>Turing test, consents to said designation as a player, has become a player
>in the manner described in the rules, and who consents to be governed by
>the rules."
>Rule 26 states that: "Any entity otherwise qualified as a Player may
>become one by posting a message to the public Forum explicitly stating eir
>wish to become a Player."
>What this means is that one cannot become a player until one is "otherwise
>qualified as a Player," and one is not qualified to be a Player until one
>"has become a player in the manner described in the rules." Therefore, the
>only people who can join B Nomic are existing players.
>[[It should be noted that the Statute of Limitations has passed on all
>existing players, so play should be able to continue normally.]]
>Oh, and based on the idea that players are the only ones who can join the
>game, and since in all that definition of "players" it never says that one
>/person/ cannot be multiple /players,/ and since Rule 18 is, has been, and
>always will be everyone's best friend:
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Angerona.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Aries.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Aurora.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Bellona.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Calliope.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Cardea.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Castor.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Ceres.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Clio.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Consus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Cupid.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Erato.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Euterpe.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Fauna.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Flora.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Janus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Jove.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Juno.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Jupiter.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Juturna.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Juventas.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Laverna.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Liber.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Libitina.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Lucina.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Maia.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Mars.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Melpomene.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Mercury.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Minerva.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Neptune.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Pax.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Pluto.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Pollux.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Polyhymnia.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Proserpina.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Quirinus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Salacia.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Saturn.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Silvanus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Summanus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Terminus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Terpsichore.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Thalia.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Urania.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Venus.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Vesta.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Victoria.
>I consent to be a player and consent to be governed by the rules. I join
>under the name Vulcan.
>Note I didn't change my name, I joined /again/ 49 times. And all 50 of me
>are using this account.
>I'll undo it if no one else dupilcates themselves.

Did my Imaginary Friends scam predate you?  Somehow I thought you were around longer than that.  I created 20-some imaginary friends and had them all vote in favor of a proposal that declared me the winner.  Dave's reaction, a few hours before the end of voting, was, "Okay, but I'll need an email address for each one."  Hanfway through frantically creating Yahoo email addresses, I decided to just appreciate the absurdity instead. many players have you declared yourself to be?  Better get crankin' on those email addresses...


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