Baron von Skippy on 12 May 2003 01:59:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] A cookie to the first person to identify the quote...

Another way of doing things would be to make being an Aes'Sedai, or a Jedi, or whatever, be something that you can purchase with a new currency, something like Character Creation Points, or something, that you get when you become a player and after each grid reset, and you have to repurchase with those points if you wish to keep your rank. That would make things accessible to everyone and fair, and yet maintain the idea that not all people in a population have these powers.
-Not liking that as much. Game resets can come at inopportune times.
I'm meaning if we were to rework the whole game reset thing, and let anyone 
preserve what they had aquired over time with these Points, or, if they 
hadn't achieved too much, buy new stuff so they can catch up a little 
-Well, we can protect this from game resets by not adding it to the reset 
rule... that's easy enough.-
One thing that occurs to me, though... if you'll notice, most Jedi appear to be male.
But not all.  I think that the males just tend to stand out more in the 
movies and such.  Though of course it could favor males.  Like color 
-Well, and there aren't a lot of male channelers, either, but there are 
some. I'm just suggesting we make it a lot more black-and-white than it 
really is.-
All Aes Sedai are female - males who can use their power eventually go insane and kill people
Well, there's three ways to deal with that.  The first is to use the fact 
that at the time given in the books, the male part of the Source is 
tainted, causing all the bad stuff.  We can say that our Source isn't.  
Second, we can incorporate the madness into the game, causing males to have 
a Madness attribute that increases with power use, and causes the player to 
do random Bad Things.  Third, we can say that the male players are already 
insane and out to kill others, and dealing with the Source won't change any 
of that.
-First: Probably the easiest way to do it.
Second: Eh... no. Too complicated and too nasty - you can change your gender easily enough, so why risk the madness and living rot? Third: Let's see... I don't think we /have/ any female players, and all of our players appear to be crazy and out to destroy things, like Dave's sanity, so this one is really just a given from the start.-
Gender does very little right now, so maybe it should be related to this.-
Gender should be very much related to Aes'Sedai, determing what -'angraels 
they can use in what way, and how powerful they tend to be in each of the 5 
areas.  Those areas are Fire, Water, Spirit, and two others, I believe.  I 
remember that healing used Water and Spirit.
-The four elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air - and Spirit. Males are better with Fire and Earth, females with Water and Air, both equal with Spirit. Healing takes Water, Air, and Spirit. Some other good common ones were sheilding people from the Source - that's pure Spirit, Rand's sword of fire (made of... yes, good guess.), and a nifty Air-based way of tying someone up. I almost feel the easiest way to do this would be to have the Minister of the True Source be like a GM. You could post an action which describes what you do and what you intend it to do in terms defined by the ruleset ("I weave Earth and Water to create several feet of mud under Orc's feet - e cannot move until it dries next nweek"), and the GM/Minister decides what happens to you. ("Well, it worked, but the ward he had in place lobbed a fireball at you. Consider yourself Crispy Style.") Perhaps there would have to be a way to appeal if the decision seemed unfair.-

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