Daniel Lepage on 8 May 2003 01:59:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Society Creation

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 08:52  PM, Craig wrote:

Mmm.... but Bandwidth doesn't technically come in possessable chunks;
it's just a variable. The sentence "Any player may transfer a point of
Bandwidth from emself to any society." can be construed to mean, any
player may decrease eir Bandwidth by X to cause target society's
Bandwidth to increase by X; this doesn't imply that the converse is

By your argument, it seems that any scalar quantity ought to be
transferable, just by claiming that we possess individual 'unit chunks'
of them... but I don't see why we should be able to claim that...

Ah, but as Glotmorf pointed out, bandwidth *is* transferable - you can
transfer it to societies. But the judicial system will instantly end all
conflict, right? Right?

It's transferable; that doesn't mean it consists of possessable chunks. It just means you can move it. It's an 'attribute', not a bunch of objects. (unlike Score, which is defined as both)


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