Craig on 8 May 2003 01:18:01 -0000

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Actions....

>>I clear my Automation Script.
>>I create a new Society, called __Wonko's CashBox__, with the following
>>If Wonko's CashBox ever possesses a quantity of points such that this
>>quantity plus Wonko's Score exceeds 1000, it immediately gives all its
>>points to Wonko. Also, if Wonko declares in a public forum that Wonko's
>>CashBox gives all its points to Wonko, it gives all its points to Wonko.
>>I add to my automation script:
>>If at any time I have any points, I give them all to Wonko's CashBox,
>>unless Wonko's CashBox just gave me points, and I was Awarded a Win
>>because of said points, in which case I clear my automation script
>>Every time I Guess the Numbers for the Number Game, if my previous
>>Guess did not result in the Number Game becoming Solved and the set of
>>numbers I Guessed was not (10,10,10,10,10), I immediately Guess the
>>Numbers again. The new Guess I make is defined as follows, where n1,
>>n2, n3, n4, and n5 are, in order, the numbers I most recently Guessed:
>>If n5 is less than 10, I Guess the Numbers (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5+1).
>>Otherwise, if n4 is less than 10, I Guess the Numbers
>>Otherwise, if n3 is less than 10, I Guess the Numbers
>>Otherwise, if n2 is less than 10, I Guess the Numbers
>>Otherwise, if n1 is less than 10, I Guess the Numbers
>>If the Number Game becomes Unsolved from being Solved, as soon as it
>>does, I Guess the Numbers (-10,-10,-10,-10,-10).
>>I Guess the Numbers (-10,-10,-10,-10,-10), and thus automatically guess
>>all other 3200000 possible combinations.
>>In accordance with r1244, I just Solved the Number Game, and got 30
>>points for it.
>>In accordance with my Automation Script, said points go to the CashBox.
>>In accordance with r1244, the Number Game now becomes Unsolved with a
>>new set of numbers.
>>In accordance with my Automation Script, I guess five -10s and thus
>>everything else, too.
>>In accordance with all of the above, this process continues until the
>>CashBox contains enough that I win.
>>Note that each time, the -4 point penalties I keep getting (which, by
>>the way, add up too... lessee... an average of 1600000 times per
>>cycle... so -6400000 points per cycle... need 900 points, so about 30
>>cycles... so a grand total of -1.92 e+8 points) are incurred when I
>>have no points (having given them all away); thus, my 2 hundred million
>>deficit doesn't actually hurt me. Meanwhile, the +900 points I pull off
>>before the CashBox dumps certainly help me... Specifically, I Win.
>>I petition the Council of Elders to do the following:
>>Relieve Dave of eir duty to post about 48 million numbers to the public
>>Add to r1244 a new section,
>>__D. Limits__
>>No player may ever Guess the Numbers more than once per nweek.

>I kick Wonko in the ass for Unbridled Hostility(tm) to the Administrator.

>In retaliation for such hostility (or in order to fend it off), I encourage
the Administrator to disallow the automation script change.

If Dave disallows it, then isn't the kick misplaced? And doesn't it have to
be to the business list anyway?

  --  Teucer
AKA Craig Daniel

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