Craig on 1 May 2003 00:41:03 -0000

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Fwd: [Thermo] "Breaking Nomics"

>>For going out of eir way to publicly air eir version of our dirty laundry
>>rather an exhibit any semblance of solidarity, I disrespect Orc in a
>>						Glotmorf
>-Hey, everyone remember bnomic-private and -public? What do we think of
>returning to them for some messages so that we can talk in secret if need
>be? I really don't like people having access to everything, and with
>Nomicron using secret mailings to hide their plots, it seems we should have
>a place to go to conceal things that are a little indiscreet. Everyone
>subscribed will get a message tomorrow about it (nice timing), so if you're
>not sure whether you're still in it, you'll know then.-

BAD idea. Nomicron doesn't trust you guys; if you start hiding more stuff
from them you will only justify it (in their eyes). Also, the use of a
private mailing list wouldn't have helped, seeing as the original thread was
(I still believe) just academic discussion of what would have been
feasible - not a secret plot - so it would still have been discussed in a
public list.

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