David E. Smith on 25 Mar 2003 12:39:01 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Future proposals

[[ The following are two draft proposals that (first) make Entropy resets
more complete; and (second) ironically, do away with them completely.
Though written and posted together, they should be fairly independent, so
you can criticize each of them separately. Hey, now you get to level TWICE
as much abuse at the Admin. :-) ]]

{{ __Post-Nuclear Cleanup__
[[ a.k.a. Cleanup On Aisle 154 ]]

In rule 154, section B.6., to the list of events that occur during an
Apocalypse, make the following adjustments:

* Add "Drinks", "Empty Beer Cans", "Olive Trees", "Resource Units", and
  "Improvements" to the list of items destroyed in the second 'bullet point'
  item in the list. [[ More things that should be reset ]]
* Change the third item to "All Gnomes are destroyed. No matter how many
  Gnomes are destroyed, the Minister of Gnomes may not receive more than 5
  points for this genocide." [[ Because it's not THAT much work... ]]
* Change the sixth item to "The Yeti is moved to Limbo." [[ He comes back
  later on, don't worry. ]]
* Add, after the third item, "All Speeders are destroyed." [[ Unless
  someone wants to invent insurance policies ]]
* Add, after the above addition, "All Grid Squares' Elevations are changed
  to zero."
* Add, after the above addition, "All BNS are taken from all players and
  returned to the Bank."
* Add, after the phrase "All Gremlins go into Hiding," the phrase "This
  triggers a Primal Scream." [[ Just to remind me... ]]
* Add, after the item modified by the previous, "Barney and the Improbable
  are removed from the Grid, if present."

Replace the last paragraph of section B.6. with the following:
At the end of Burning Man, the following events occur in order,

* All Grid squares lose eir Substances
* Five random Grid squares are changed to substance Mud
* The following items are placed randomly upon the Grid: One Big Stick,
  One Ball of Wax, two random Gnomes listed on the vSOI Menu, and Barney
* If the temperature is -10 or below, the Yeti is placed on a random Grid
* All players are given 500 BNS.
[[ The Menu clause is just to keep the freebie gnomes from being, say,
PGGB Gnomes or something else similarly unbalancing ]]

Remove section B.8. from rule 154. Zero, then delete, all
Mischievousness/Mischief attributes. [[ It's not really used and it always
annoyed me for some reason. ]]

Remove the second paragraph from section B.2. of rule 154. [[ Get rid of
that "charming bastard wins" clause, which I perceive as a bug. ]]

{{ __The Rather More Controversial Game Reset__

[[ Since Syllable Limits have gone away, Entropy's only real effect is to
slowly accumulate until it reaches 500. This is darn near impossible. So,
why not get rid of it and just use the list as a general game-reset? ]]

Replace the text of Rule 22 with the following:

When a player is awarded a Win, the following events happen immediately,
in order:

* The Clock turns Off.
* All dimensions, except Respect, for all players, are set to zero
* The player who was awarded the Win receives one point of Respect
[[ Placeholder One ]]

When the Watch reads 3 wdays, the following events happen immediately, in

[[ Placeholder Two ]]
* The Clock turns On

In the above rule, replace the text "[[Placeholder One]]" with a copy of
the first list in Rule 154, Section B.6.

If the proposal "Post-Nuclear Cleanup" passed, replace the text
"[[Placeholder Two]]" in the above rule with a copy of the second list in
rule 154, section B.6. Otherwise, insert the following in that location:
* All Grid squares lose eir Substances
* Five random Grid squares are changed to substance Mud
* A Big Stick is placed on a random Grid Square

Remove section B.6. from rule 154, renumbering all following sections

[[ This is by no means complete, as there are many subtle places in the
rules where Entropy is mentioned. ]]

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