Orc In A Spacesuit on 9 Nov 2002 05:23:03 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] NWEEK 25 BALLOT

From: Daniel Lepage <dplepage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Proposal 1150/0: Imperial Dave (Orc In a Spacesuit)

No. It actually is different from vetoing - a Nullified proposal couldn't be
overruled even by a 3/4 majority, wouldn't be put on the next nweek's
Ballot, and would still give their creators points. I like the first two,
but the third is bad, plus the proposal currently wants to put a rule-change
inside another rule (you need another delimiter, methinks).
The proposer only gets points enough people like it enough to vote yes.  
Otherwise, same as before.  But hey, if Dave doesn't want it, so be it.  
Although I would rather have shelve votes so I could truly get rid of it 
next nweek, without me losing points.
> Proposal 1160/0: More Details, and Power to Boot (Orc In a Spacesuit)

No. Although I'd like to reset the LMJ (that should have been in the refresh
prop, methinks), I heartily disagree with undoing the effects of IT tea
dispensation, because, for example, the inclusion of that sentence in your
proposal was an effect of IT dispensing tea and coffee.
I'd like to keep the fabric of causality where it is, thank you very much.
The prop says 'any effects'.  It does not specify that such effects exist.  
So it does nothing in that part.
> Proposal 1170/4: Societies and Corporations (Orc In a Spacesuit)

Shelve. Are you aware that you haven't specified anyone to be the Boss of
WBE? Although you do try to make Glotmorf the 'Usurper' and me the 'Deposed
King'... neither of which exist in the context of that proposal anymore.
Take a look at the props page on nomic.net.  I fixed that a long time ago.  
Here's the new info, as copied and pasted from there:
Society: Wealthy Bastard Enterprises
Members: Glotmorf
Charter: Wealthy Bastard Enterprises may also be referred to as WBE. One and only one Member may have the Position "Wealthy Bastard". If the Wealthy Bastard states that WBE performs a Managerial Action, WBE does so. At the end of each nweek, before Charter changes take effect, if WBE has enough BNS to do all of the following, it transfers 55 BNS to the Wealthy Bastard if there is one, and 11 BNS to each other Member if there are any. If there is no Wealthy Bastard, whichever Member has been a Member for the longest time becomes the Wealthy Bastard.
Orc In A Spacesuit
was just in a nasty bike wreck

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