Orc In A Spacesuit on 26 Oct 2002 21:05:03 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] "Fix" fix...er, fix

From: "Glotmorf" <glotmorf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To the end of the proposal entitled "If It Ain't Broke, Don't...Oh, Never Mind", add the following:

Part 8:

In Rule 578, after the paragraph that ends with "Players may transfer a positive amount of eir Bandwidth to any Society that is not a Corporation.", add the following paragraph:

A Society may charge nweekly Dues from its members in the form of Points, BNS, units and/or Bandwidth to be transferred to the Society. The amount of the Dues shall be the same for all members. Dues are automatically transferred from members to the Society at the beginning of each nweek.

[[ This at least leaves M-Tek more or less operational. ]]


But then you would have the Societies forcing people to do stuff all over again. And if someone ruled a society, they could charge the charter to require huge amounts, a la Wonko's Slaves. So you would then need to have a bunch of funky rules allowing people to have a choice yet still allow events to happen. I'm voting a definite no.

Orc In A Spacesuit
is against sucking the blood out of defenseless players.

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