Wonko on 20 Oct 2002 17:43:03 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] WBE charter change

Quoth Glotmorf,

> The Boss of WBE makes the following charter change:
> In the last paragraph, change "BNS" to "BNS, points or units".
> Add to the end of the second-to-last paragraph, "If at any time WBE ceases to
> exist, the contents of its resource pools are distributed as follows: half of
> each pool given to the Boss; the remainder of each pool evenly distributed
> among the employees, or given to the Boss if there are no employees."
> Add the following paragraph:
> "At the direction of the Boss, WBE may trade Capital Resources in its resource
> pools for other Capital Resources to be added to its resource pools."

That you definitely cannot do, as you aren't the wealthy bastard.


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